2024 Peter O'Malley Junior Masters

Proudly Sponsored by





Parkes Golf Club – Additional Local Rules

(To be read in conjunction with the JNJG & GNSW Local Rules Hard Card and the Rules of Golf as adopted by the R&A)


PGC LOCAL RULES (06/09/2023)

1. Out of Bounds Rule 18.2
Beyond any wall, fence, garden edge or white stakes with black tops defining the boundary of the course or where otherwise specified. 

• All paved/ concrete areas around the clubhouse, golf pro shop and parallel to the first tee.

2. Abnormal Course Conditions including Immovable Obstructions - Rule 16
Ground Under Repair

  • Those areas defined by white stakes, white lines or marked as GUR, except in a penalty area, are to be treated as GUR
  • Bare patches on the greens that have been caused by weed spray or dry areas (lie of ball only), lift and place to nearest point no nearer the hole.
  • Bare patches on the fairway of the hole you are playing, the player may take free relief at the nearest point not nearer to the hole.
  • If a ball comes to rest in any of the below situations, the player may take free relief at the nearest point not nearer to the hole that avoids such situation:
    Clearly defined wheel ruts made by mowers, tractors or motor vehicles, all defined garden beds on the course, gravel roads near 3rd/6*/1gth tee, gravel roads along 3rd/6th/7th fairway. All other paths/tracks are to be treated as an integral part of the course (no relief available).
    Machinery sheds, Cart sheds and Greenkeepers refuge to the east of the 14th green.
    Bare patches with embedded rocks that may cause damage to club or injure player. Bare patches without embedded rocks are not permitted free relief.
    Exposed tree roots on fairway being played.
    Earth cracks due to dry conditions.
  • Any damage caused by an animal (kangaroos, cockatoos, etc.).

3. Compulsory GUR

During play on the 15th hole, if a player's ball comes to rest within one club length of the halfway house, they must take GUR relief at the nominated drop zone.

4. Drop Zones

Players required to use the nominated drop zones must drop ball, at knee height, within 2 club lengths of the staked location.

5. Immovable Obstructions

Tree guards, hazard pegs, water taps, fixed irrigation pipes, ball washers, stakes defining protected trees, protective screens, all posts, chains, ropes, drainage grates, fixed seats, fixed signs, mulch around trees, sand bins, sand bucket stands, garbage bins, and fixed sprinkler heads that affect the stance of the player.

Only if a swing or stance is impeded by any of the above, a player is able to take free relief to the nearest point, no nearer to the hole. One club length is permitted and must be completely clear of interference from the obstruction. Obstructions in the line of play does not qualify for free relief.

6. Movable Obstructions - Rule 15.2

All white hoops, removable signs, chains, hazard pegs (NB: must be replaced)

7. Preferred Lies

30cm Fairways Only



Parkes Golf Club – Tournament Information

  1. Scorecard Return and Tournament Office
    1. A player’s scorecard is deemed officially returned to the Tournament Committee when the player has left the tournament office. Once the player has left the tournament office, no changes may be made to the scorecard.
    2. Players MUST move straight from the 18th green to the tournament office to complete and sign their scorecards.
  2. On Course Enquiries
    1. Players may call the following numbers and the rules official will attend if possible:
      1. Ethan Keane (Tournament Co-Ordinator) - 0435033255
      2. Isabelle Mansfield (Tournaments & Events/Talent Pathway Assistant) - 0451 171 391
      3. Greg Watkinson (Rules Official) - 0407 422 112
    2. In the case of a player being unable to gain assistance from one of the numbers above, the player may proceed in accordance with the procedure outlined in Rule 20.1c(3) of the Rules of Golf and nominate to play a second ball. The player must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning the scorecard, even if the player scores the same with both balls.
  3. Maximum Score Format of Play (Rules of Golf Rule 21.2)
    1. Maximum Score is a form of stroke play where a player’s score for a hole is capped a maximum number of strokes set by the committee. At JNJG Junior Masters Events, the maximum score for any hole is 10 strokes.
  4. Parents, Spectators and Bag Pusher Guidelines
    1. There are no caddies or bag pushers allowed at any JNJG Tour Event.
  5. Course Information
    1. Tee Markers
      1. White JNJG Tee Markers – all BOYS divisions
      2. Red JNJG Tee Markers – all GIRLS divisions
    2. Distance Markers
      1. 100m, 150m and 200m to the centre of the green


Make sure you keep up with the group in front, carry and use a sand bucket to replace divots, and fix all pitch marks on the greens. Let’s leave the course in the same condition as when we arrived!!